I would like to thank all of the people that have showed my family kindness and sympathy. Especially, the people of Jersey City, the JCPD and the Jersey Journal. Your love and support has made this most difficult period of our lives a little less painful.

I would also like to say, Thank you to Domenick, for bringing such pride to our family.

(Dom) (John)

I have many cousins but Dom was the cousin I shared my home and childhood (and sometimes my toys) with. There wasn’t a vacation or holiday family photo album that his face didn’t grace. As children we did everything together from seeing “Superman II” at the State Theatre in Journal Square, to getting our school uniforms from “Lobells” every fall. As adults we traveled in different circles but whenever we did bump into each other it was as if we were still those same children we once were playing with our “Star Wars” action figures in the back yard..

On one Thanksgiving a few years back, I asked Dom, so, why did you become a cop? he looked at me with a mischievous grin and answered my question with two questions of his own. Why do you play music? Why do you write the songs that you do? I gave him this long winded reply which when summarized came down to saying that, music was an outlet for me. An outlet that ultimately I hoped would help people.
Then with a laugh in voice he smiled and said, well, I’m just like you except I can’t sing or play an instrument.

I always told Dom how proud I was of him. Even to this day he continues to make me want to be a better person. My family has been changed forever. Sometimes it hurts so much that I can barely catch my breath. The only solace I get is from the fact that I am not alone in missing Dom and that I am not the only person who knows what a great person he was and I’m sure is still, on the other side…

I Love and Miss You, Dom...

John Bis